According to IMO's statistics, shipping accounts for 80% of global trade and emits over 1 billion tons of CO2 into the atmosphere every year, accounting for about 2.9% of the CO2 emissions worldwide. The shipping industry plays an important role in reducing global carbon emissions. In recent years, the UN Climate Change Conference and EU have called for the control of global warming at 1.5°C, and many international initiatives and organizations have encouraged enterprises to set reduction targets and measures in response to the goal of net-zero emissions by 2050.
Energy Consumption for Organizational Operations
Energy Type | Heating Value in 2021 | Heating Value in 2022 | Heating Value in 2023 |
Total heavy fuel oil consumption (GJ) | 47,355,563.01 | 48,598,418.37 | 49,434,664,42 |
Energy intensity (GJ/NT$ thousand) | 0.151 | 0.14 | 0.37 |
Percentage of heavy fuel | 94.01% | 94.11% | 94.63% |
Persentage of renewable energy | - | - | 0.001% |
Total (GJ) | 50,371,782.22 | 51,639,486.66 | 52,238,142.41 |
Energy Saving Strategies
Operational Scope | Energy Conservation Strategies |
Onshore business locations |
Container yard |
Reefer containers |
Fleet |
The vessel energy consumption of the last
Fuel Consumption
0 Ton
Fuel Consumption
0 Ton
Fuel Consumption
0 Ton
Note: Energy intensity reduced by 5.77% compared to 2022
Management of the Fleets' Carbon Emissions
Yang Ming continues to go above and beyond international regulatory requirements by adopting management measures such as hull optimization, the introduction of new eco-friendly ships, optimal ship speed control, the use of smart monitoring systems, and the modification of existing ships. The carbon intensity of the operating ships in 2023 was 37.90 g/teu-km, reducing by 61.86% compared to 2008, early attaining IMO's goal of a 40% reduction by 2030.
Carbon Intensity Performance of the Fleet
Although the fleet's carbon emissions in 2023 were 102,194.7764 (tons CO2e) higher than that in 2022, the carbon intensity was reduced by 2.31 g/TEU-km, showing a 5.74% improvement, thanks to the fact that the unit transport volume in 2023 was higher than that in 2022.
The IMO approved the new “Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI)” and “Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII)” regulations at the MEPC 76 meeting held via video conference from June 10 to 17, 2021, which will take effect on January 1, 2023. For the IMO’s strategies to reduce the GHG emissions of vessels, on the technical aspect, the EEXI is adopted; on the operational aspect, the CII is adopted. By calculating the “EEXI” and “CII,” correction plans are developed for vessels with poor performance, and the vessels are included in the SEEMP.
The following are the measures adopted by the Company in response to the EEXI and CII:
Issue/Regulation Description and Planning | Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) EEXIs must be submitted to Classification Societies for recognition for international energy efficiency certificates (IEEC, for one-time verification like EEDI). |
Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) Ships' annual CII values must be calculated annually and reported. The ships are rated from A to E based on their performance every year. If any vessel is rated D for 3 consecutive years or E in one year, correction plans must be developed. |
Suggested Improvement Methods from Classification Societies |
Yang Ming’s Practices |
New Ships' EEDI
Name/Model of New Ship | Number of Ships Delivered during 2013~2023 | EEDI (gCO2/ton-Nm) |
E+ type | 5 | 16.22 |
C type | 10 | 15.70 |
W1 type | 10 | 9.22 |
W2 type | 5 | 8.88 |
W3 type | 5 | 8.52 |
T1 type | 5 | 8.06 |
T2 type | 9 | 7.87 |
Average | 10.78 |
Yang Ming has actively promoted green shipping. In 2021, the Company introduced the ISO 14064-1 GHG inventory and acquired third-party verification. Based on the inventory results, we have promoted and planned the setting of GHG emission reduction targets and measures for the Company. The Company continues to complete the ISO14064-1 GHG inventory for the ships owned and operated by the Company every year, and has introduced the GHG Protocol Corporate Standard, been certified to ISO 14064-1 and the GHG Protocol, and obtained certification from the Taiwan Accreditation Foundation.
Scope 1
Direct emissions
Scope 2
Indirect GHG emissions from imported energy
GHG emissions from vessels
Total scope 1 and 2 emissions
Scope 3
Indirect GHG emissions from transportation
Indirect GHG emissions from the Company's use of products
Indirect GHG emissions from the use of the Company's products