Yang Ming’s Occupational Safety and Health Management Policy

The Company offers international marine transportation services and values personnel safety, vessel safety, and cargo safety during transportation. To implement the occupational safety and health policy of “ensuring occupational safety and promoting the physical and mental health of employees,” Yang Ming was certified to ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in 2019 and became the first ISO 45001-certified carrier in Taiwan. We were also certified by Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems (TOSHMS). Relevant certificates have been disclosed on the Company’s official website. The scope of the certificates covers the operation and management of container shipping, customer service, terminal container loading and discharging, and cargo warehousing operations, and forwarding-related operations. The employee coverage rate in annual internal and external organization audits and certification is 100%.

Occupational Safety and Health Education and Training

The occupational safety and health management unit/personnel of each workplace of the Company formulates a safety and health education and training plan for the following year before the end of each year. The plan is included in the "Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan" which is submitted to the Occupational Safety and Health Committee of the respective workplaces for review. The education and training plan is then executed according to the approved Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan. The plan includes firefighting, emergency response, and business-related safety training which should be organized at least twice a year in accordance with the frequency requirements specified by laws and regulations. In 2023, a total of 77 internal and external training sessions were held, with 2,914 participants in total. 

Occupational Safety and Health Management

Occupational Safety and Health Committee
  • Convened 4 regular meetings.
  • Updated the occupational safety and health policy.
  • Proposed and completed 5 occupational safety improvement plans:
  1. Added yellow box junctions at the elevator entrances and exits of the basement of the Qidu Building, renewed the speed bumps in the parking lot, and installed warning lights for entry and exit.
  2. Repainted the warning signs on the ground and walls of the driveway in the Chongqing Building, renewed the speed bumps in the parking lot, and installed warning lights for entry and exit.
  3. Approved the formulation of the Plan for Prevention of Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workload for Yang Ming (Seafarers).
  4. Provided health check items better than those required by the law and a subsidy of NT$10,000 for employees.
The Keelung Yang Ming Container Yard
  • Coordination organizations' quarterly promotion of work-related accident cases.
  • Continue to increase accident-free working hours Accumulated for over 17 years.
  • Installation of 2 newmodel gantry cranes.
  • Road pavement in the container yard to enhance the safety of personnel and vehicles.
  • Re-planning of the loaded container storage area:
    • Dangerous goods storage areas are set up in accordance with the port's "Dangerous Goods Operation Manual".
    • Passed TIPC's inspection for the loading, discharging, and storage and transfer of dangerous goods containers.
  • Organized the "Harbor Traffic Safety" course with 18 participants, including contractors.
  • Held a health lecture - Awareness-Raising Education on the Prevention of Tobacco Smoking, Betel Nut Chewing, Alcohol Drinking and the Hazards of E-cigarettes with 21 participants, including contractors.
  • Held 2 sessions of full CPR+AED training with 35 participants including contractors participated in the training and completed the test.
  • Held the "Dangerous Goods" lecture with 28 participants, including contractors.
  • Completion of on-the-job labor safety and health training related to small forklifts and gantry cranes for the Keelung Yang Ming Container Yard and China Container Terminal Corporation Note 106 participants, including contractors.
Risk assessment in the workplace
  • Drinking Water Equipment
  • Air Conditioning Equipment
  • Air Quality
  • Food Safety
Courses related to occupational safety
  • The total number of trainees for the pre-service occupational safety training was 877.
  • The total number of seafarers receiving the Class 3 occupational safety and health manager training was 50 throughout the year.
  • 2 sessions of industrial safety somatosensory training were organized to enhance seafarers' knowledge and awareness of occupational safety and health.
  • Other ways to enhance work safety hazard awareness.
  • A safety, health and environmental protection meeting is held onboard monthly, with 12 meetings held a year.
  • Case studies of actual incidents and prevention awareness raising.
  • Random onboard inspection by occupational safety personnel to inspect the implementation of onboard occupational safety affairs.
The Four Major Plans
  • Ergonomic Hazard Prevention Plan
    • Organized 4 awareness-raising sessions.
    • Collaborated with the Enlightenment Association for the Disadvantaged to provide employees with soothing massage services.
  • Plan for Prevention of Diseases Caused by Abnormal Workload
    • Organized 2 "Nighttime Self-health Management and Ergonomic Hazards" awareness-raising sessions and arranged nightly visits to the E-commerce and Information Technology Departments (server room) for 14 night-workers.
  • Plan for Prevention of Illegal Infringement in the Performance of Duties
    • "Prevention of Illegal Infringement in the Workplace" awareness training completed by 127 managers and supervisors.
    • "Prevention of Illegal Infringement in the Workplace" online awareness training completed by 1,409 employees
  • Maternity Health Protection Plan
    • Obtained a Certificate for Excellent Breastfeeding Rooms.
Occupational Safety Mailbox  HOSOservice@yangming.com

Award Performance


Received a “2022 - 2024 Badge of Accredited Healthy Workplace ” from the Health Promotion Administration, Ministry of Health and Welfare.


“2021 Taiwan iSports” label from the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education


"First Place of Breastfeeding (Lactation) Room" from the Keelung City Health Bureau for six consecutive years


"First Work-Life Balance Award" from the Ministry of Labor, Executive Yuan


"Outstanding Performance Award in the Occupational Safety and Health Week" from the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan


"Outstanding Entity of Safety and Health – Five Stars Award" from the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan and "Outstanding Healthy Workplace" – Health Pioneer Award from the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Executive Yuan


"Outstanding Entity of Labor Safety and Health" – Five Stars Award from the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan


"Friendly Workplace Award" from the Council of Labor Affairs, Executive Yuan

Information on Work-Related Accidents


There were no employees suffering occupational diseases and serious work-related incidents in the Company in 2022

According to the Group’s annual risk assessment report and result in 2022, containing information summarized from the risk assessment forms returned by all units, multiple units mentioned personnel safety risk when it came to operational risks. It was found that a majority of accidents were traffic accidents during commuting. However, there were some accidents involving operational errors that led to personnel injuries and fatalities, and most of them occurred during field operations (in container terminals/on vessels). Relevant units have come up with corresponding control measures to reduce the frequency of risk occurrence. For example, in September 2022, an injury accident occurred on one of the Company’s R.O.C. vessels as a result of a lifting operation. The injured seafarer has recovered and returned to work in the fleet. The Company has asked the entire fleet to further emphasize the safety of lifting operations. The Company’s employee disabling injury frequency rate, disabling injury severity rate, number of employees suffering serious work-related accidents, and other work-related accident indicators between 2020 and 2022 were lower than the industry’s averages. 

Workers covered by an occupational health and safety management system

Year Auditing Status Number of People Covered by the Management System Total Number of Members in the Organization Total
Employees Non-employees Employees Non-employees
2020 Unaudited 0 0 0 0 0
Audited internally 1,524 4 1,524 4 1,528
Audited or certified by external organizations 1,524 4 1,524 4 1,528
2021 Unaudited 0 0 0 0 0
Audited internally 1,591 20 1,591 20 1,611
Audited or certified by external organizations 1,591 20 1,591 20 1,611
2022 Unaudited 0 0 0 0 0
Audited internally 1,664 18 1,664 18 1,682
Audited or certified by external organizations 1,664 18 1,664 18 1,682

Work-Related Injury Statistics

Statistics on Employees' Work-Related Injuries

Year Number of  
hours worked
Work-related injuries 
Number of high consequence workrelated injuries (excluding fatalities) Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury Number of recordable work-related injuries 
2020  3,769,331  0 0 1
2021  3,949,132  1 0 3
2022  4,089,813  1 0 1

Statistics on Non-Employees' Work-Related Injuries

Year Number of  
hours worked
Work-related injuries 
Number of high consequence workrelated injuries (excluding fatalities) Number of fatalities as a result of work-related injury Number of recordable work-related injuries 
2020  357,464  0 0 0
2021  402,384  0 0 0
2022  326,688   0 0 0


Absences due to Incidents

No.  Year  Total Work Hours (hrs)  Recorded Incidents Leading to Absences (Persons)   Lost time incident rate (LTIR)
Absences Due to Serious Work-Related Accidents  Absences Due to Work-Related Fatalities  Absences Due to Work-Related Injuries 
Onshore Employees 2020 3,149,186  0 0 0 0
2021 3,176,876  0 0 0 0
2022 3,281,533  0 0 0 0
Seafarers 2020 717,408  0 0 0 0
2021 772,256  1 0 0 1.29
2022 808,280 1 0 0 1.24
Total 2020 3,866,594 0 0 0 0
2021 3,949,132  1 0 0 0.25
2022 4,089,813 1 0 0 0.24
Note: The work-related injury absence rate was calculated as: Work-related injury absence rate = Number of persons suffering work-related injuries ÷ Total work hours X Per million work hours. 


01 Increase of Health Checkup Frequencies and Allowance

In 2022, the Company conducted a regular health checkup for employees, where the health checkup allowance was increased to NT$10,000.
In addition, Our three health checkup packages are designed for the most common types of cancers among Taiwanese people, including the "ultrasound package" with breast ultrasound, gynecological ultrasound, thyroid ultrasound, and cardiac ultrasound. The data of employee health checkup results as of the end of October 2023 have been imported into the Company's health management platform for timely health risk analysis (a comprehensive indicator of metabolic syndrome risk + coronary heart disease risk) and arranging consultation with doctors or health promotion activities

02 Construction of Emergency Medical Aid Mechanisms

We installed automated external defibrillators (AEDs) in our 6 premises in Taiwan, and inspect and check them regularly. Moreover, our first aider deployment is better than that required by law. As of the end of 2023, there were 73 employees who are qualified first aiders in Taiwan, and personnel retraining has been organized periodically. 

03 Employment of Doctors and Nurses for Health Management and Health Promotion Activities

The Company employed 3 on-site health service doctors and 3 professional nurses as required by law to provide employees with professional health management and consultation services in corporate health management and promotion activities. 

04 Health Lectures

In 2023, in addition to hiring professional physicians to give speeches, we also collaborated with local health authorities to organize a number of health promotion activities. In all workplaces of the Company, a total of 32 sessions of health-related education, training, and promotion were held, including external training for occupational safety personnel, with 3,019 participants.

05 Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

The Company has been working on EAPs in collaboration with the Hsinchu City Lifeline Association to offer employees unlimited initial consultations and 4 free expert consultations and provide them with a sound support system. They can consult about problems related to marriage, family, parent-child relationships, financial management, and laws, and we will help them properly deal with the problems that affect their physical and mental health. 

06 Soothing Massage for Employees

The Company actively fulfilled corporate social responsibilities by working with the Enlightenment Association for the Disadvantaged in Keelung City to offer employees a soothing massage service. This service was not only widely welcomed by the employees, but also highlighted the Company's attention to social responsibilities. In 2022, we held 89 massage sessions, participated by 1,674 employees. 

07 Health Knowledge Promotion

With the aim of improving employees' health knowledge and self-management abilities, the Company shared health information with the employees from time to time via email and the Yang Ming Monthly, YM You & Me. In 2023, 10 columns about occupational safety were issued to provide the latest health knowledge and helpful management tips in order for the employees to better manage their health. 

08 Onboard Telemedical Consultation Services

All medical needs at sea are treated as Level 1 needs in ER and require professional medical doctors to give advice or determine if seafarers are in need of emergency hospitalization based on the medical suppliers and medicines on the vessel. In 2023, 62 at-sea medical consultations were carried out, providing comprehensive medical support for seafarers. 

09 Flu Vaccination at the Company in Collaboration with the Qidu District Public Health Center

In support of the government's vaccination policy, Yang Ming made a request to the Qidu District Public Health Center to send medical staff to the Company to provide flu vaccination for our employees so as to protect their own health, their families, and the overall health of the Company. Headed by the Chairman, hundreds of employees waited in line for the vaccination, demonstrating their high-level determination to protect themselves and the entire organization. 

10 Statistics of Health Promotion Activities in 2022

  • 25 health lectures, with 2,818 participants 
  • 8 EAP communication campaigns and 1 seafarer EAP communication campaign, participated by 50 seafarers 
  • 89 massage sessions, with 1,674 participants. 
  • 11 columns about occupational safety published in the Yang Ming Monthly, YM You & Me 
  • 134 at sea medical consultations performed 

11 Implementation of the Four Hazard Prevention Plans as Required by Law

Prevention of Ergonomic Engineering Hazar 

Office operations are mainly performed in the Company’s working environment, and some employees are stevedore or dockworker banksmen, signalers or workers. After the Occupational Safety & Health Office reviewed the Company's workplaces and working environments in support of the Ministry of Labor's “Ergonomic Prevention Measures,” it found that the Company's employees have been subjected to potential hazards of musculoskeletal disorders and eyestrain arising from long-term computer use, and therefore, it has promoted different health promotion activities on a continuous basis ever since, including: 

  • Providing large monitors or dual monitors for the employees to increase eye comfort; purchasing ergonomic office desks and chairs, reducing discomfort after sitting for a long time. 
  • Working with on-site service doctors to launch the “Ergonomics – Walking Around Service” where the Company's employees in different regions are provided with assistance in making individual adjustments and finding the sitting posture that best suits them as well as health education; inviting physical therapists from Taipei Veterans General Hospital and Cathay General Hospital to give health lectures at the Company, sharing tips to prevent “ergonomic hazards” and providing health care advice to encourage the employees' self-care to get rid of stiffness in back muscles. 
  • Collaborating with the Keelung City Government and Enlightenment Association for the Disadvantaged to officially engage 9 visually-impaired massagists in November 2022 to provide massage services. Through muscle relaxation massage (20 minutes per session), employees' stress can be reduced, thereby boosting work efficiency. 
  • Organizing a 15-minute “Office Aerobics” session in every afternoon, where employees may choose to do aerobics (stretching) or stroll/walk around the sports field to limber up and enhance their cardiopulmonary function. 

12 Health Management Platform

  1. Combination with Existing Functions Related to Health Management and Promotion Activities: Planning, reservation, activity reminder, implementation result, subsequent tracking and reminder, activity history search, and indicator analysis and comparison functions are integrated into the same platform for easy daily management, reducing manual work time and improving operational efficiency. 
  2. Post-Health Checkup Health Management: Employees at a high level of health risk may be identified based on the default health management classification criteria and prioritized for health consultations and tracking as well as subsequent health management, replacing the manual determination process to increase operational efficiency and save work time. 
  3. Health Indicator Management: This enables quick generation of work reports and analysis reports to make health management plans and review outcomes based on individuals or groups’ health trend changes, enhancing operational efficiency and saving work time. 
  4. Health Checkup Data Input Management: Health checkup data may be input in the specified format, reducing manual work time and boosting work efficiency. 
  5. Improvement of Health Management Services: The convenience of use by employees e.g. making activity reservations, receiving notifications, viewing and searching personal health data, and implementing subsequent self-health management is increased, thereby building good personal health habits. 

13 Risk Management Measures for Seafarer Fatigue

Yang Ming Marine Transport Corporation follows the regulations of the Maritime Labour Convention.
Seafarers must have at least 10 hours of rest in any 24-hour period (which can be divided into two periods, with one period being at least 6 hours) and at least 77 hours of rest in any 7-day period. In emergencies requiring work during rest periods, compensatory rest is provided. Work schedules and rest records, signed by both the responsible officer and the crew member, are posted in accessible areas to ensure rest rights and mitigate fatigue's negative effects.

14 Seafarer Alcohol and Drug Screening

  • Alcohol Testing Procedure: The company has established a "Drug & Alcohol Control" procedure (2900A109). When seafarer handover duty, the handover seafarer should check the take over seafarer’s alcohol in the breath (BrAC) by breath alcohol testing machine and keep the record in “On duty watch-keeping crew alcohol examination record”
  • Drug Testing Procedure: Before boarding, seafarers must submit a physical examination certificate and provide drug test documentation.
Topic Goals in 2023 Execution Results in 2023 Goals in 2024 Mid-/Long-term Goals
health and safety
  • Implement e-health management to improve the efficiency and quality of employee health management.
    • Provide online reservations for health checkups, lectures, and promotion activities.
    • Conduct health checkup satisfaction questionnaire surveys and the statistical analysis of health checkup data.
    • Achieve the target questionnaire return rate of over 80% for the four programs under the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
  • Raise employees’ health awareness and improve their health.
    • Hold at least 10 free stress relief massage sessions every month.
    • Offer 2 free on-site physician consultation sessions on a monthly basis.
    • Organize 6 health-related lectures and health promotion activities annually.
  • Promote an ESG passport program: Encourage participation in sports events.
  • The data of employee health checkup results have been imported to the Company's health management platform for health risk analysis (a comprehensive indicator of metabolic syndrome risk + coronary heart disease risk).
  • A total of 360 employees used the on-site service to seek health guidance and recommendations from physicians.
  • Completed an ergonomic hazard questionnaire survey and organized four briefings to promote ergonomic engineering.
  • EAPs have been used for 112 times, with an average satisfaction score of 94.4 (out of 100).
  • Satisfaction score with EAPs is higher than that in 2023.
  • Organize one or two health checkup briefings, including health check items and how to use the health platform, to help employees better understand the status of health checkups and make appointments for various health promotion activities.
  • Achieve a health checkup satisfaction score of more than 4 for 90% of employees, and gather health checkup data to increase the willingness of employees with abnormal health checkups to consult with doctors.
  • Revise the implementation method of the Company's four major plans (maternal health protection/ abnormal workload/ergonomic engineering hazards/ illegal infringement) in line with the guidelines for four major plans under the Occupational Safety and Health Act, and organize one or two lectures.
  • Establish the workplace safety culture, continue to implement safety and health education and trainings, instill safety concept into employees, and reduce unsafe practices by employees.
  • Promote healthy and friendly workplace; stress on both the physical and mental health of employees; plan to provide health promotion and health management practices that meet the needs of employees.
  • Expand the scope of safety and health care and exercise the corporate social responsibility,realizing the ideas of health and safety system management at the Headquarters / branch offices / fleets / subsidiaries as well as for stakeholders to weave out a rigorous safety net step by step.
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