Yang Ming’s mission and vision are to be an excellent transportation group dedicated to offering high-quality transportation services to meet customers’ needs. However, excellence is not only about this, but also about giving consideration to the issues all stakeholders are concerned about and facilitating the sustainable development of society and the Earth’s environment.
- Strengthening corporate governance and integrity management
- Provision of excellent shipping services to fulfill the commitment of serving customers
- Energy saving and emissions reduction to achieve environmental sustainability
- Employee care and talent cultivation
- Enhance social participation to give back to society
Corresponding SDGs
Short-term Goals
- Implement policies for diverse board members, have at least one female director, ensure the number of independent directors is no less than one third, and have directors with industry experience
- Provide information on the proceedings of the shareholders' meeting within the legal deadline
- Convene at least one investor conference per quarter
- Disclose the link to the audio-visual information of investor conferences
- Maintain the rating under the Climate Change Program (CDP) and the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (CSA) questionnaire
- Execute internal control system optimization projects
- Incorporate privacy protection into internal auditing
- Formulate a privacy policy
- Obtain ISO 37001 anti-bribery management systems certification
- Formulate anti-corruption and anti-bribery policies and amend relevant standards in line with international trends
- Deepen employees' awareness of ethical management by organizing related education and training, and set both the participation rate target and the pass rate target at 100% for on-shore employees and 90% for seafarers on-board
- Organize three educational training sessions to enhance personnel’s legal awareness and another three to improve their compliance with laws. Hold training courses on internal material information processing and the prevention of insider trading. The target participation rate and target pass rate are 100%
- Add “emerging risks” to the risk assessment items
- The sustainability self-assessment questionnaire review rate for key Tier 1 suppliers reaches 80%, and 100% of new suppliers complete a sustainability statement survey
- Conduct sustainability risk assessment and due diligence on key Tier 1 suppliers and plan an elimination mechanism, in order to enhance the depth of engagement
Medium-term Goals
- Maintain the Company’s ranking in the top 6-20% in the corporate governance evaluation
- Implement the board diversity policy and increase the number of female directors to two
- Directors are equipped with industry experience, risk management and information security backgrounds
- Maintain the rights and interests of shareholders and enhance information transparency
- Maintain the effectiveness of the internal control system
- Continue to strengthen personal privacy management
- Zero incidents of ethical management violations, corruption, and conflicts of interest
- Zero insider trading violations
- Continue to optimize the Group's risk assessment policy and content
- Implement a supplier sustainability management mechanism and set up an elimination mechanism
Long-term Goals
- Increase the Company’ ranking to top 5% in the corporate governance evaluation
- Enhance ethical operation management mechanisms and improve information transparency and awareness
- Both genders represent more than one third of board seats
- Strengthen employees' awareness of legal compliance and risk control, and ethical operation management mechanisms
- Continue to optimize the sustainable management mechanism for suppliers