Board of Directors Meeting Status

Board Effectiveness

Yang Ming's board members serve for a term of 3 years. The current board members were elected on May 24, 2024, and took office immediately after the election. As of December 2024, the average term of the board members was about 1.87 years. According to the corporate governance evaluation regulations requiring an average attendance rate of 85% for the board of directors, the Company held 12 board meetings in 2024, with an average attendance rate of 88.82%. To ensure the Board of Directors' effective implementation of checks and balances mechanisms, the approval of the Board of Directors' material motions are disclosed in real-time on the Company's website to promote the timeliness and transparency of corporate governance information.

Board Performance Evaluation

According to the Procedures for Board and Functional Committee Performance Assessments,  Yang Ming’s Secretariat would implement board and functional committee performance assessments through questionnaires at the end of every year; The board and functional committee performance assessments shall be conducted by an independent external professional institution or a panel of external experts and scholars at least once every three years. Yang Ming would report the result of board and functional committee performance assessments to the Board by the end of Q1 every year and use the result as a reference when nominating directors for reappointment.
The Company has processed the performance assessment of the Board of Directors, individual directors, and functional committee (including the Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and Risk Management Committee) for the year 2023 in Jan., 2024. The achievement rates of assessment criteria is 97.8% for the Board of Directors, 100% for the Audit Committee, 100% for the Remuneration Committee, and 100% for the Risk Management Committee. The result has exceeded the standard; The achievement rates of assessment criteria is 87% for directors and the result met the required standard. The assessment results and the sustainably strengthen and improve targets of 2024 were submitted to 391st Board meeting on April 12, 2024.

For purpose of consistency in corporate governance and the Board’s performance, targets for sustainability and improvement in 2024 are as follows:

  • In order to provide sufficient communication and enhance supervision in company operations through the meetings, the company plan to have 8 Board meetings in 2024, and already sent formal notice to the directors to reserve and arrange schedule; The assessment criterion “average attendance status of directors on board meetings” is listed as an improvement target in 2024.
  • In order to provide sufficient communication and enhance supervision in company operations through the meetings, the company plan to have 8 Board meetings in 2024, and already sent formal notice to the directors to reserve and arrange schedule; the assessment criterion “the actual attendance status of directors on board meetings” is listed as an improvement target in 2024.

The “Taiwan Corporate Governance Association” was commissioned to evaluate the performance of Board and functional committees in January 2024 (evaluation period: 2023/2/1~2024/1/31). The Association and evaluating experts were independent of any business affiliations with the Company and conducted the assessment through document review and on-site interviews. The evaluation report on Board performance was submitted on March 28, 2024 and the results were submitted to the 391st Board meeting on April 12, 2024. Details are as follows:
  1. Evaluation duration: February 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024
  2. Evaluation Method: The Taiwan Corporate Governance Association reviews all the relevant documents submitted by the Company, and also commissioned 4 experts to conduct on-site evaluations and interviews with the Chairman, President, 3 independent directors, Chief Audit Officer and corporate governance VP on March 14, 2024.
  3. Evaluation criteria: 8 indicators including composition, guidance, authorization, supervision, communication and self-discipline of the board, internal control and risk management, and others (board meetings, support systems…etc.). With each indicator, the evaluators referred to the information provided by the Company and public information, and performed on-site interviews before submitting evaluation reports.
  4. Overall evaluation results:
  • Due to chairman’s open leadership, he encourages suggestions, actively communicates and fully respect opinions from all board members. Conclusions are only made after reaching a consensus through brainstorming and discussion in every way. The Company shapes great board meeting culture and procedures with detailed meeting minutes.
  • With expertise in different fields, 3 independent directors actively take responsibility and accountability, keep independence while taking the interests of all shareholders into account. Independent directors direct the management team with forward-thinking on critical issues (e.g., vessel building, affiliates management, compensation and rewards system…etc.), to ensure and assists the Board in guidance and supervision functions.
  • In addition to the Audit Committee and Compensation Committee, the company took initiative to establish Risk Management Committee based on operational needs. One of the independent directors serves as convener, the committee is composed of the Chairman, 3 independent directors and 1 director. The committee formulates risk management policies and system, reviews risk appetite, provides suggestions on major risks, and regularly reports risk control outcomes to the Board, expressing the company’s determination to implement effective risk management.
  • The company established procedures for the Audit Committee to handle stakeholders’ suggestions and grievance, and an independent directors’ mailbox is disclosed on the company’s website. To further enhance the independence of the whistleblower system, the independent directors appointed dedicated personnel to manage and make direct report to them, reflecting that the board takes stakeholders’ feedback seriously and is worthy of praise.
  • The Board values external professional advice and proactively appointed an independent third-party institution to evaluate performance of the Board in 2021. Suggestions from the evaluation (e.g., increasing number of independent directors and female directors, establishing Risk Management Committee…etc.) were listed as priorities and being carried out gradually, showing the company’s strong ambitions for self-improvement and commitment to enhance Board effectiveness.
  1. Evaluation recommendations/improvement solutions:
  • To enhance management competency of the Board, it is recommended that the company refer to the "Corporate Governance Best-Practice Principles for TWSE/TPEx Listed Companies" and make regular report related to succession and training plan of managerial managers to the Board. /The Company established Nominating Committee and its Charter, to regularly review succession plan of directors and important manager personnel.
  • It is recommended that independent directors review the performance of Chief Audit Officer and express suggestions prior to the Chairman, in order to enhance the independence of internal audits and the supervise function of the Audit Committee. /The Compensation Committee of the company is composed of all independent directors and review the KPI performance of directors and managerial officers regularly.
  • In order to assist new directors to understand the company’s current operations and overview of the industry, to enable directors to fulfill duties effectively, it is recommended to arrange orientation program by Chief Corporate Governance Officer and relevant departments for newly appointed directors. /Sales and related departments prepared introduction presentation and on-site visit of the group for new directors to know the score.
  • In order to achieve excellent level (top 5%) in Corporate Governance Evaluation, it is recommended that the related departments shall draw up improvement plan based on the results and report to the Board to supervise the implementation afterwards. /The Company review performance in Corporate Governance Evaluation and convene discussion of improvement with related departments, to enhance efficacy of corporate governance.
The term of the 21st board of directors is from May 24, 2024 to May 23, 2027. Up to December 31, 2024, there are 8 meetings convened by the 21st board of directors. The attendance records are as follows:
Title  Name  Attendance in Person (B)  By Proxy  Required Attendances (A)  Attendance Rate in Person(%)(B/A)  Remarks 
Chairman Feng-Ming Tsai 
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
6 0 6 100% Inaugurated as director as corporate representative of the MOTC and elected as chairman on July 26, 2024.
Former Chairman Cheng-Mount Cheng
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office and elected as chairman on May 24, 2024; stepped down on July 26, 2024.
Former Director Tan, Ho-Chen
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
1 0 2 50% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024; resigned on June 25, 2024.
Director Dzwo-Min Dai
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Chin-Yi Yang (Corporate Representative of the MOTC) 3 1 4 75% Inaugurated as director on August 6, 2024.
Director Chun-Chun Chen
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
7 1 8 88% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Former Director Keh-Her Shih
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
0 0 1 0% Inaugurated as director on December 21, 2020; stepped down on May 31, 2024.
Director Fang-Guan Jan
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
2 1 3 67% Inaugurated as director on August 21, 2024.
Director Chien-Yi Chang
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
5 3 8 63% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Director Wan-Chi Hsu
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Fang-Yuan Chen
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Hsien-Yi Lee
(Corporate Representative of the TIPC)
2 0 2 100% Inaugurated as director on October 21, 2024.
Former Director Shao-Liang Chen
(Corporate Representative of the TIPC)
1 4 6 17% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018; stepped down as director on June 17, 2019; inaugurated as director on May 5, 2020; stepped down on October 21, 2024.
Director Wen-Ching Liu
(Corporate Representative of the TNC)
8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Independent Director Tar-Shing Tang 8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Huang-Chuan Chiu 8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Jr-Tsung Huang 8 0 8 100% Took office after the independent directors' by-election on May 26, 2023.
Zheng-Yi Shon 8 0 8 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Being vacant for the time being - - - - -
Former Independent Director Feng-Ming Tsai 2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024; resigned on July 18, 2024.

Remuneration policies

Director Compensation

The Board of Directors is authorized to determine the compensation of the Chairman and directors based on their participation in and contribution to the Company's operations and according to the annual compensation level for equivalent positions in the shipping industry. The compensation of the Chairman and directors shall be submitted to the Compensation Committee for review as required by law. The compensation percentage for the Company's directors is set in accordance with Article 18 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation. If the Company has profits in the year, no more than 2% of the profits shall be appropriated as the directors' compensation. 

Compensation and Performance of Managers

The compensation of managers shall also be submitted to the Compensation Committee for review as required by law. According to Article 18 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, if the Company has profits in the year, 1%-5% of the profits shall be appropriated as the compensation of employees. For the payment of bonuses, other than an extra one month's salary as the Chinese New Year bonus, if the Company has earnings in the year, part of the earnings may be appropriated as the performance bonus using the performance bonus calculation formula in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. To determine the compensation for each position, the Company evaluates the performance of the managers through a strict performance evaluation system by the Company's profits or losses, their leadership, strategic planning, successor planning, and attitude at work, with their participation in the Company's operations and responsibilities fully taken into account, to reduce future risks. The salary of other personnel is paid based on the level of responsibility for the tasks assigned thereto and according to the salary level in the industry. If any adjustment needs to be made in line with changes in the salary level in the market, the total salary adjustment range must be presented to the Board of Directors for resolution, and then the salary may be adjusted based on the performance evaluation results of the personnel. 

Continuing Education for Directors

Directors' and independent directors' CPE hours in 2023 were 72 hours standing on the policy, the actual total CPE hours reached 105 hours.
Directors' and independent directors' CPE hours in 2024 were 120 hours standing on the policy, the actual total CPE hours reached 153 hours until December 31st ,2024.

The information of Advanced education for Directors in 2024
Title  Name  Date  Organizer  Course Name  Hours 
Chairman Feng-Ming Tsai 2024.06.13 Securities and Futures Institution Advanced Practical Seminar for Directors, Supervisors (including Independent Directors), and Corporate Governance Officers: Sustainable Supply Strategies Amid Escalating Global Risks 3
2024.10.04 Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce Introduction to Corporate Law, Corporate Governance, and Tax Knowledge Essential for Senior Executives 3
2024.10.08 Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce NVIDIA's Trillion-Dollar Miracle: New Perspectives on the Semiconductor Revolution Behind Artificial Intelligence 3
2024.10.23 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association How Can the Board Ensure Sustainable Business Operations - Starting from Talent Discovery and Development 3
Director Hsien-Yi Lee 2024.11.12 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association In the AI Era, Enterprise Growth and Innovation Thinking 3
2024.11.14 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Global Political and Economic Analysis After the US Presidential Election 3
2024.11.22 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association An Introduction to Carbon Management and Energy Management from the Perspective of Sustainable Environment for Publicly Listed Companies 3
2024.12.05 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Global and Taiwan Economic Outlook 3
Director Chien-Yi Chang 2024.08.13 Taiwan Independent Director Association Latest Trends and Case Analysis in Anti-Money Laundering and Fraud Prevention (including an Overview of U.S. BSA / AML Regulations and Penalty Cases) 3
2024.08.29 Securities and Futures Institution Board Performance Evaluation 3
Director Wan-Chi Hsu 2024.06.12 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Risks and Considerations of Generative AI for Businesses 3
2024.12.24 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association The Net-Zero Path with Unlimited Business Opportunities - Analyzing Strategic Directions from an Industrial Perspective 3
Director Fang-Yuan Chen 2024.06.25-
Securities and Futures Institution Practical Training Program for Directors, Supervisors (Including Independent) and Corporate Governance Officers - Taipei Session 12
2024.07.03 Taiwan Stock Exchange 2024 Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit 6
2024.09.13 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Workshop on the Identification of Climate Risk and Seminar on the Net Zero Emissions 3
2024.10.04 Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce Introduction to Corporate Law, Corporate Govenance, and Tax Knowledge Essential for Senior Executives 3
Director Chun-Chun Chen 2024.07.03 Taiwan Stock Exchange 2024 Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit 3
Securities and Futures Institution 12-Hour Practical Training Program for First-Time Directors, Supervisors (Including Independent) and Corporate Governance Officers 12
Director Chin-Yi Yang 2024.09.30 Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance Fair Customer Treatment Principles and Financial Inclusive Services 3
2024.09.30 Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance Trends in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (CFT) 3
2024.10.31 Taiwan Academy of Banking and Finance International Climate Change Trends and Challenges 3
2024.12.13 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Corporate Governance Officer and the Proper Role of Corporate In-house Lawyers 3
Director Fang-Guan Jan 2024.10.22 Securities and Futures Institution Intellectual Property Management: Focusing on Patent Rights and Trade Secrets 3
2024.11.12 Securities and Futures Institution Analysis of Employee and Director Compensation Issues - Starting from the Amendment of Article 14 of the Securities and Exchange Act 3
2024.11.13 Securities and Futures Institution Practical Operations of the Audit Committee 3
Director Wen-Ching Liu 2024.10.04 Securities and Futures Institution 2024 Insider Trading Prevention Seminar 3
2024.10.18 Taiwan Project Management Association SDGs and ESG Sustainable Management 3
Director Dzwo-Min Dai 2024.06.27 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association The roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors/senior managers in ESG governance 3
2024.06.27 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Based on TIPS - What an Enterprise should do to Prevent and Control Intellectual Property Risks 3
2024.07.03 Taiwan Stock Exchange 2024 Cathay Sustainable Finance and Climate Change Summit 6
2024.08.27- 2024.08.28 Securities and Futures Institution 12-Hour Practical Training Program for First-Time Directors, Supervisors (Including Independent) and Corporate Governance Officers 12
Independent Director Huang-Chuan Chiu 2024.07.30 Securities and Futures Institution Practical Analysis of Trade Secrets Law and Corporate Anti-Corruption Case 3
2024.08.07 Securities and Futures Institution Global Net-Zero Emissions Trends and Business Solutions 3
2024.08.09 Taiwan Investor Relations Institute Current ESG Industry Trends and Reporting Practices 3
Independent Director Tar-Shing Tang 2024.10.16 Securities and Futures Institution 2030/2050 Green Industrial Revolution 3
2024.10.30 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Directors and Supervisors Need to Know the Latest Trend of Corporate Governance Evaluation─Intellectual Property Management 3
Independent Director Jr-Tsung Huang 2024.12.05 Securities and Futures Institution Carbon Trading Mechanisms and Carbon Management Applications 3
2024.12.06 Securities and Futures Institution Financial Technology Crime and Anti-Money Laundering from a Corporate Perspective 3
Independent Director Zheng-Yi Shon 2024.05.07 Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan Legal Tax Planning through Corporate and Family Governance 3
2024.05.08 Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei Corporate Public Relations Crisis Management and Media Relations Strategies 3

Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors

  • Year


  • 2024

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2024

  • 2023

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2023

  • 2022

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2022

  • 2021

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2021

  • 2020

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2020

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