Operations of the Board of Directors

Yang Ming's board members serve for a term of 3 years. The current board members were elected on May 14, 2021, and took office immediately after the election. As of December 2022, the average term of the board members was about 3.27 years. According to the corporate governance evaluation regulations requiring an average attendance rate of 85% for the board of directors, the Company held 13 board meetings in 2022, with an average attendance rate of 94.8%. To ensure the Board of Directors' effective implementation of checks and balances mechanisms, all motions developed must be submitted to the Board of Directors for reporting. The adoption of the Board of Directors' material motions is disclosed in real-time on the Company's website to promote the timeliness and transparency of corporate governance information. 

Board Performance Evaluation

In accordance with the Rules for the Performance Evaluation of the Board of Directors and Functional Committees, the Company's Secretarial Office conducts a self-evaluation of the performance of the Board of Directors, individual board members and functional committees at the end of every year through questionnaires. An external independent professional agency or external expert or scholar team shall be commissioned to evaluate the performance of the Board of Directors and functional committees at least once every 3 years. The performance evaluation results of the Board of Directors and functional committees for the previous year are reported to the Board of Directors before the end of the first quarter of every year and used as a reference for nominating directors for the second term. The performance evaluation for 2022 was performed in January 2023, with an achievement rate of 100% for board performance evaluation items, an achievement rate of 91.3% for board member performance evaluation items, and an achievement rate of 95.8% for functional committee performance evaluation items. All evaluation results were “above standards.” The results, enhancement directions, and improvement targets were submitted to the 382nd board meeting (25th of the 20th term) on March 9, 2023 for the report. For their detailed implementation, please refer to the Company's 2022 Annual Report.

For the continuous implementation of corporate governance and better board performance, the improvement directions and targets that can be implemented continuously in 2023 are shown below:
  • In an effort to promote the internal relationship management and communication between the Board of Directors and the management team and ensure that there are smooth communication channels and positive interactions between board members and management departments, continuous assistance is provided for the directors in performing their duties and being well-informed prior to meetings. In addition to arranging pre-meeting communications and consultation meetings on material issues, we will conduct a director satisfaction survey, starting from the third quarter of 2023, to understand the directors' expectations and give their feedback to relevant units for better subsequent actions. The evaluation item, “good interactions between the Board of Directors and the management team,” is listed as an improvement target that can be implemented continuously in 2023. 
  • In order to facilitate the participation of the members of functional committees in meetings and operations, if possible, meetings are scheduled for times when the convener and all members are available. The evaluation item, “members' average attendance at functional committee meetings,” is listed as an improvement target that can be implemented continuously in 2023. 

Remuneration policies

Director Compensation

The Board of Directors is authorized to determine the compensation of the Chairman and directors based on their participation in and contribution to the Company's operations and according to the annual compensation level for equivalent positions in the shipping industry. The compensation of the Chairman and directors shall be submitted to the Compensation Committee for review as required by law. The compensation percentage for the Company's directors is set in accordance with Article 18 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation. If the Company has profits in the year, no more than 2% of the profits shall be appropriated as the directors' compensation. 

Compensation and Performance of Managers

The compensation of managers shall also be submitted to the Compensation Committee for review as required by law. According to Article 18 of the Company's Articles of Incorporation, if the Company has profits in the year, 1%-5% of the profits shall be appropriated as the compensation of employees. For the payment of bonuses, other than an extra one month's salary as the Chinese New Year bonus, if the Company has earnings in the year, part of the earnings may be appropriated as the performance bonus using the performance bonus calculation formula in accordance with the Articles of Incorporation. To determine the compensation for each position, the Company evaluates the performance of the managers through a strict performance evaluation system by the Company's profits or losses, their leadership, strategic planning, successor planning, and attitude at work, with their participation in the Company's operations and responsibilities fully taken into account, to reduce future risks. The salary of other personnel is paid based on the level of responsibility for the tasks assigned thereto and according to the salary level in the industry. If any adjustment needs to be made in line with changes in the salary level in the market, the total salary adjustment range must be presented to the Board of Directors for resolution, and then the salary may be adjusted based on the performance evaluation results of the personnel. 

The term of the 21st board of directors is from May 24, 2024 to May 23, 2027. Up to June 30, 2024, there are 2 meetings convened by the 21st board of directors. The attendance records are as follows:
Title  Name  Attendance in Person (B)  By Proxy  Required Attendances (A)  Attendance Rate in Person(%)(B/A)  Remarks 
Chairman Cheng-Mount Cheng 
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC) 
2 0 2 100% Inaugurated as director as corporate representative of the NDF between August 17, 2018 and September 30, 2020. Inaugurated as director as corporate representative of the MOTC and elected as chairman since October 1, 2020. 
Former Director Tan, Ho-Chen
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
1 0 2 50% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024; resigned on June 25, 2024.
Director Dzwo-Min Dai
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Chun-Chun Chen
(Corporate Representative of the MOTC)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Former Director Keh-Her Shih
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
0 0 1 0% Inaugurated as director on December 21, 2020; stepped down on May 31, 2024.
Director Chien-Yi Chang
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Director Wan-Chi Hsu
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Fang-Yuan Chen
(Corporate Representative of the NDF)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Director Shao-Liang Chen
(Corporate Representative of the TIPC)
0 1 2 0% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018; stepped down as director on June 17, 2019; inaugurated as director on May 5, 2020.
Director Wen-Ching Liu
(Corporate Representative of the TNC)
2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Independent Director Tar-Shing Tang 2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on June 22, 2018.
Huang-Chuan Chiu 2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Jr-Tsung Huang 2 0 2 100% Took office after the independent directors' by-election on May 26, 2023.
Feng-Ming Tsai 2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.
Zheng-Yi Shon 2 0 2 100% Assumed new office on May 24, 2024.

Continuing Education for Directors

Directors' and independent directors' CPE hours in 2023 were 72 hours standing on the policy, the actual total CPE hours reached 105 hours.
Directors' and independent directors' CPE hours in 2024 were 108 hours standing on the policy, the actual total CPE hours reached 45 hours until June 30th ,2024.
The information of Advanced education for Directors in 2024
Title  Name  Date  Organizer  Course Name  Hours 
Director  Cheng-Mount Cheng  2024.02.29 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Crisis management strategy 3
2024.03.13 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association New thinking on digital transformation 3
2024.06.03 Securities and Futures Institution Institutional Investor Viewpoint Forum 3
2024.06.12 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Risks and considerations of Generative AI for enterprises 3
Director Dzwo-Min Dai 2024.06.27 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association The roles and responsibilities of the Board of Directors/senior managers in ESG governance 3
2024.06.27 Taiwan Corporate Governance Association Starting from TIPS: Discussing how enterprises construct intellectual property risk prevention and control 3
Director Wan-Chi Hsu 2024.06.12 Greater China Financial and Economic Development Association Risks and considerations of Generative AI for enterprises 3
Director Fang-Yuan Chen 2024.06.25-2024.06.26 Securities and Futures Institution The Seminar of Directors and Supervisors (including Independent Directors) and Chief Corporate Governance Officer-Taipei Class 12
Independent Director Feng-Ming Tsai 2024.06.13 Securities and Futures Institution The Advanced Seminar of Directors and Supervisors (including Independent Directors) and Chief Corporate Governance Officer 3
Independent Director Zheng-Yi Shon 2024.05.07 Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan(CNAIC) Talking about legal tax-saving layout from the perspective of company and family governance – Sustainable supply strategies amid rising global risks 3
2024.05.08 Importers and Exporters Association of Taipei Corporate public relations crisis management and media public relations strategies 3
  • Year


  • 2023

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2023

  • 2022

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2022

  • 2021

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2021

  • 2020

    Material Resolutions Passed by the Board of Directors in 2020

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