Talent Recruitment

Talent Management Policy 

Yang Ming endeavors to create an open-minded, inclusive, diverse and respectful working environment and develops talent recruitment strategies based on the Company's short-term/medium-term/long-term plans to attract the most excellent talent to join the team. We firmly believe that "Outstanding staff facilitate a progressive Yang Ming." Making the most of talent and improving unit productivity are the driving forces for the Company's progress and development. We use Yang Ming Group's global resources and experience to cultivate talent with macro international perspectives, give our team a strong sense of mission, thereby improving overall performance and competitiveness. The Company insists on the meticulous operation of various management mechanisms, continuously improves the Company's workforce, and strengthens core competitiveness to maintain excellence in the long term. In addition, the safety and operating efficiency of the fleet correlate closely to the abilities of seafarers, who are the most important factor to the operation of the fleet. The Company continuously recruits talent aspiring to work as seafarers and provides good career development opportunities to ensure that the team has the most excellent talent, thereby enhancing the operation of the fleet.

Total Number of Employees(Including Contractd Employees)

  2021 2022 2023
Total number of onshore employees 1,474 1,554 145
Total number of seafarers 1,334 1,632 1,812
Total 2,809 3,186 3,357

Overview of the Employment of Onshore Manpower

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Number of Diverse Onshore Employees Employed

Statistics for Taiwan Number of Employees with Disabilities Number of Foreign(Non-Taiwanese)Employees Number of Minority Employees(Indigenous People)
2021 11 0 16
2022 18 1 12
2023 19 1 15

Note:Foreign employees: Currently, one of our employees is from Hong Kong; indigenous people: The actual headcount calculated as of the accounting of the Council for Indigenous Peoples shall prevail. Therefore, the data for 2022 are adjusted based on the actual headcount in 2024. The data for 2023 is estimated based on the average monthly headcount in 2022, and the actual headcount will be adjusted in 2025.


Overview of the Employment of Seafarer Manpower

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Number of Diverse Seafarers Employed

Statistics for Taiwan Number of Employees with Disabilities Number of Foreign(Non-Taiwanese)Employees
2022 2 1,408
2023 1 913

Proportion of Senior Management Employed from the Local Community in Taiwan

  2021 2022 2023
Number of Senior Management Officers Who Are Locals 10 10 11
Percentage 100% 100% 100%


Talent Cultivation

Seafarer Safety Management

To improve sailing safety, the Company has developed relevant safety management policies and measures according to the ISM CODE in response to the risks of changing weather and medical inconveniences that seafarers face when working on ships and set up the Fleet Quality Management Team and Fleet Management Team A. Through the shipboard audit and supervision or the boarding visit mechanism, the overall ship operation and sailing safety were elevated. The training for seafarers aims to improve their competences and raising their occupational health and safety awareness by elaborating on the maritime cases, the ISM policy of the Company, and the latest conventions, laws and regulations. In light of the call for emissions reduction to protect the environment in recent years, the seafarer training was also improved to include courses on clean energy for ships and compliance with environmental regulations worldwide.


International Talent

Based on the all-round talent cultivation policy, the Company encourages employees to gain experience from working in a different unit or even overseas after staying in the same position for 2 or 3 years to build enough competency in order to develop comprehensive skills. The Company will continue to promote employee rotation which is the key to the Company's talent development. In the future, we will continue implementing overseas relevant programs to dispatch employees with potential to each regional center overseas for training to broaden their global horizons.

Employee Rotation
Year Departmental Rotation Group Rotation Onshore/Offshore Rotation
2021 75 152 41
2022 39 148 32
2023 44 160 30

Onshore Employees' Average Training Hours per Year

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Training for Improving the Competency of Onshore Employees in 2023

Course Type Total Trainees Total Training Hours Quantitative Information(Budget Invested)
Dissemination courses 11,681 5,496 4,000
Professional industry-related couses 10,168 12,089 590,000
Labor ssafety and health courses 4,157 8,168 100,220
Orientation training 251 1,901 26,628
Computer courses 191 748 0
Management skill couses 507 2,720 2,543,789
Competency development couses 217 1,302 428,800
Exteral training courses 295 4,858 1,564,528
Total 27,467 37,281 5,256,965

Training for Improving the Competency of Seafarers in 2023

Course Type Total Trainees Total Training Hours Quantitative Information(Budget Invested)
Orientation training 1,028 7,771 135,680,793
Competency improvement training 499 9,773 183,793,267
System operation training 34 221 10,060,486
Ship operation training 110 1,361 65,709,31
Management skill courses 37 5,054 18,470,143
Labor safety and health training 135 1,490 27,222,988
External labor safety and health training 73 2,920 46,101,653
Total 1,916 28,590 487,038,362
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